Statement of Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) for International of Rural Women’s Day
Statement of Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) for International of Rural Women’s Day
“Igualdade no Justisa ba Feto inklui Feto no labarik feto ho Defisiénsia Rural “
Date: Monday, 16 October 2023
Tetum :
Loron 15 fulan Outubru Mundo tomak selebra loron Mundial Feto Rural, hodi rekoinese feto rural nia kontribuisaun ba programa dezenvolvimentu neébe mak akontese iha komunidade.
Community based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) halibur hamutuk ho Autoridade Postu, Suku, Aldeia no Komunidade husi Ermera hodi komemora Loron Mundial Feto Rural hodi selebra no fo onra ba kontribuisaun boot husi Feto ho defisiensia no feto la ho defisiensia husi Rural husi sira nia aan, Familia too komunidade, nomos fo naroman ba deafiu sira neébe mak sira hasoru hodi fo kbiit hamutuk ba sira atu hakaás an atu hetan future ida neébe diak no justu ba ema hotu.
Situasaun ha Area Rural hatudu katak feto ho defisiensia no feto la ho defisiensia sira halo papel importante iha sira nia familia no sira nia komunidade, maibe sira nafatin sai hanesan parte ida iha kotuk tamba kestaun ekonomia iha familia too sosiedade, no sira nafatin servisu makaás iha vida agrikultura, iha Uma, iha komunidade ho sira nia esforsu sira. Dalabarak sosiedade haluha katak Feto ho defisiensia no feto la ho defisiensia sira nia dedikasaun boot atu fó moris diak ba familia sira.
Tinan 2023 Mundo tomak selebra loron ida neé ho tema “Feto Rural Hasoru Krize Global iha Kustu Moris nian” no Timor Leste selebra ho Tema Nasional “Feto Prontu Lidera husi Hamlaha no Mukit” husi tema rua ida neé mak Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) mai ho tema “Igualdade no Justisa ba feto no Labarik ho defisiensia iha area Rural”
Igualdade no Justisaba feto no Labarik ho defisiensia iha area Rural importante tebes hodi tau importansia ba halakon stigma, diskriminasan no Violasaun oi-oin nebeé mak Feto no labarik feto ho defisiensia hasoru iha Familia, komunidade too Sosiedade. Feto no labarik feto ho defisiensia iha Area Rural hasoru dezafiu sira, hahú husi asesu limitadu ba edukasaun,Saude, Justisa, Sosial, limitadu oportunidade ekonómiku no reprezentasaun limitadu iha prosesu foti desizaun. Dezafiu hirak-ne'e dala barak kria siklu dezigualdade ne'ebé kontinua ba jerasaun. Maibé hamutuk, ita bele hakotu siklu ida-ne'e, no komemorasaun ne'e fó oportunidade ba ita atu halo ida-ne'e. Ita tenke servisu hamutuk hodi asegura katak feto ho defisiensia no la ho defisiensia iha area rurál sira iha asesu ba edukasaun ho kualidade, kuidadu saúde no oportunidade ekonómiku. Ita tenke haka'as an atu halo polítika no inisiativa sira ne'ebé sensivel ba jéneru ne'ebé permite feto rurál sira atu partisipa tomak iha dezenvolvimentu komunidade sira-nian. Sira-nia lian tenke rona, sira-nia direitu proteje, no sira-nia poténsia lakon.
Ita nia Halibur malu ohin loron ho informasaun husi Governu hanesan Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun Munisipiu Ermera, PNTL – VPU Munisipiu Ermera, Autoridade Lokal – Xefe do Suku Riheu, Feto Potensial Suku Poetete, sira hotu fahe sira nia Esperensia no Intervensaun sira husi sira nia knaar no responsabilidade iha Munisipiu, Postu, Suku no Aldeia, tau kbiit no oportunidade hamutuk hodi hanoin katak progresu la'ós esforsu individuál maibé koletivu. Mai ita reforsa ita-nia kompromisu ba empoderamentu feto ho defisiensia no la ho defisiensia iha area rurál sira-nian, tanba sira-nia empoderamentu mak xave atu harii futuru ida-ne'ebé ekuitativu no sustentavel liu ba ita hotu.
Ha'u fiar katak liuhusi ami-nia dedikasaun, ami bele troka istória ba feto rurál sira. Ita bele asegura katak sira-nia kontribuisaun sira rekoñese no valór, no katak sira-nia direitu sira hetan apoiu. Bainhira ita hahú viajen ida-ne'e, mai ita halo ida-ne'e ho koñesimentu katak fó kbiit ba feto rurál sira la'ós de'it opsaun ida, maibé nesesidade ida ba mundu ida-ne'ebé naroman, inkluzivu no sustentavel liu.
Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) sei kontinua programa ba empodera Feto ho defisiensia no la ho defisiensia hodi advoka ba sira nia direitu iha komunidade, liu husi servisu hamutuk no Apoiu husi Oxfam Timor Leste ba Programa Asaun Femenista no USAID nia Atividade ONG Advokasia ba Governasaun Diak.
"Equality and Justice for Women, Including Women and Girls with Disabilities in Rural Areas"
Date: Monday, 16 October 2023
On the 15th of October, the world commemorates International Day of Rural Women to acknowledge the contributions of rural women to community development programs. The Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) joins hands with Postal Authorities, Villages, and Communities in Ermera to celebrate International Day of Rural Women, recognizing and honoring the significant contributions made by women, both with and without disabilities, in rural areas, encompassing their roles in their youth, families, and communities. We also express our gratitude for the challenges they face in contributing to the creation of a better and more just future for everyone.
The situation in rural areas vividly illustrates that both women with disabilities and women without disabilities play a pivotal role in their families and communities. They remain integral to society, despite the economic challenges faced by their families and society at large. Their tireless efforts continue to make a significant impact on agricultural activities, households, and community development. Often, society underestimates the dedication exhibited by women with disabilities and women without disabilities in ensuring a better life for their families.
In 2023, the world marks this day under the theme "Rural Women Facing Global Living Costs." Timor Leste adopts the national theme "Women Ready to Lead from Everywhere and Always," with a sub-theme from the Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) - "Equality and Justice for Women and Children with Disabilities in Rural Areas."
Equality and justice for women and children with disabilities in rural areas are essential to combat the stigma, discrimination, and various forms of violations experienced by women and girls with disabilities in families, communities, and society at large. Women and girls with disabilities in rural areas face challenges, starting with limited access to education, healthcare, justice, social services, restricted economic opportunities, and minimal representation in decision-making processes. These challenges perpetuate cycles of inequality that persist through generations. However, together, we can break these cycles, and this celebration offers us an opportunity to do so. We must collaborate to ensure that both women with disabilities and women without disabilities in rural areas have access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Additionally, we must strengthen policies and gender-sensitive initiatives that enable rural women to actively participate in community development. Their voices should be heard, their rights protected, and their potential realized.
Today, we unite with valuable insights from government entities such as the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion and the Ermera Municipality, PNTL - VPU Ermera Municipality, Local Authorities - Riheu Chief of Village, and Potential Women of Poetete Village. They share their experiences and contributions from their respective roles and responsibilities at the municipal, postal, village, and community levels. This collective effort should remind us that progress is not solely an individual endeavor but a collective one. Let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering both women with disabilities and women without disabilities in rural areas, as their empowerment is key to building a fair and sustainable future for all of us.
We firmly believe that through our dedication, we can rewrite the narrative for rural women. We can ensure that their contributions are acknowledged and appreciated, and that their rights receive the support they rightfully deserve. As we embark on this journey, let us do so with the understanding that empowering rural women is not merely an option, but an imperative for a world that is inclusive, sustainable, and just.
The Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) will continue its programs to empower women with disabilities and women without disabilities to advocate for their rights in their communities, through collaborative efforts and support from Oxfam Timor Leste's Feminist Action Program and USAID's NGO Advocacy for Good Governance Activities.
Média CBRN-TL | Loron Públika : Kuarta, 18-Outubru-2023