Sosializasaun ba Direitu ema ho defisiensia liga ba prevensaun violensia bazeia ba Jeneiru

    Média CBRN-TL | Loron Públika : Segunda, 23-Outubru-2023

  • Sosializasaun ba Direitu ema ho defisiensia liga ba prevensaun violensia bazeia ba Jeneiru


    Sosializasaun ba Direitu ema ho defisiensia liga ba prevensaun violensia bazeia ba Jeneiru

    Loron 19-20 fulan Outubru halo Socializasaun ba feto ho defisensia no laho defisensia no labarik- feto inklui komunidade kona ba prevensaun Violensia hasoru Feto no labarik Feto  kona violensia domestika, Igualidade Jenero Inklui Asediu seksual iha komunidade iha Munisipiu Ermera Postu Ermera suku Humboe no Aldeia Gegemara

    Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL)  Hamutuk ho Autoridade Lokal Kompostu husi Xefe do Suku no Xefe de Aldeia no delegado/a ema ho defisensia no nia Familia ho Komunidade Enjeral  iha Sede suku Humboe ho Aldeia Gegemara. Reliza Socialisaun kona ba  Prevensaun Violensia Bajeia ba Jenero liga ba Direitu Ema ho Defisensia Iha suku humboe no aldeia gegemara ema ho defisensiano no laho defisensia sira antuziasmu tebes partisipa iha sosializasaun ne’ebe fahe informasaun kona ba Direito ema ho defisensia liga prevensaun ba violensia bajeia ba jeneru.

    Objetivo husi Socializasaun  ne’e hodi hasae komunidade sira nia  kuinesemento kona ba oinsa uja Termonologia nebe mak diak ba  Ema ho Difisensia.  Asegura ema ho defisensia sira nia direito hodi asesu ba edukasaun, saude no sosial. no hapara  Diskriminasaun hodi kontra ema ho defisensia  no Violensia Domestika asediu seksual iha komunidade no sociadade

    Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) sei kontinua programa ba empodera Feto ho defisiensia no la ho defisiensia hodi advoka ba sira nia direitu iha komunidade, liu husi servisu hamutuk no Apoiu husi Oxfam Timor Leste ba Programa Asaun Femenista



    Socialization of the rights of persons with disabilities is linked to the prevention of gender-based violence.

    On October 19-20, the socialization of women with disabilities and without disabilities and girls, including the community, on the prevention of violence against women and children Women on domestic violence, gender equality, and sexual harassment in the community in the Municipality of Ermera Post Ermera Suco Humboe and Gegemara Sub-Village

    Community Based. Realizing Gender-Based Violence Prevention Socialization is linked to the rights of people with disabilities. In Humboe and Gegemara villages, people with disabilities and without disabilities are very happy to participate in socialization, sharing information about the rights of persons with disabilities related to the prevention of gender-based violence.

    The objective of socialization is to increase community awareness of how to use the terminology that is good for people with disabilities. Ensure the rights of persons with disabilities to access education, health, and social services. and end discrimination against persons with disabilities and domestic violence and sexual assault in communities and society.

    Community-based rehabilitation The Timor-Leste Network (CBRN-TL) will continue the program for the empowerment of women with disabilities to advocate for their rights in the community through joint work and support from Oxfam Timor-Leste for the Women's Action Program.