Kampaña Loron 16 Ativismu kontra violénsia hasoru Feto no Labarik Feto ho Defisiénsia

    Média CBRN-TL | Loron Públika : Sesta, 1-Dezembru-2023

  • Kampaña Loron 16 Ativismu kontra violénsia hasoru Feto no Labarik Feto ho Defisiénsia

    Kampaña Loron 16 Ativismu kontra violénsia hasoru Feto no Labarik Feto ho Defisiénsia iha Munisipiu Ermera, Postu Ermera, suku poetet.

    Loron 24 fulan Novembru Tinan 2023 selebra loron 16 sAtivismu kontra violensia hasoru  feto no labarik feto ho defisiensia ho tema “Hamutuk! Investe iha komunidade hodi prevene Violensia hasoru feto no labarik-feto liu-liu feto no labrik feto ho Defisiensia” iha Munsipiu Ermera.

    CBRNTL Servisu hamutuk ho Oxfam iha Timor-Leste hodi selebra kampaña loron 16 Ativismu kontra Violensia Hasoru feto no labarik Feto ho Defisiensia iha Munisipiu Ermera Postu Ermera Suku Poetete, Atividade ne’e hetan partisipasaun maximu husi SEI Munisipiu Ermera, Polisia VPU Munisipiu Ermera,Auotridade local ho konsello suku Poetete, Feto Potensial postu Ermera,Komunidade Ema ho Defisiensia no maluk LGBTQ+.  

    Objetivu husi Atividade ne’e hodi kontribui ba Elimina no   Prevene Violénsia hasoru feto no labarik feto ho Defisiénsia no maluk Ema ho Diversidade/LGBTI

    Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor Leste (CBRN-TL) sei kontinua programa ba empodera Feto ho defisiensia no la ho defisiensia hodi advoka ba sira nia direitu iha komunidade, liu husi servisu hamutuk no Apoiu husi Oxfam Timor Leste ba Programa Asaun Femenista


    Campaign Day 16: Activism Against Violence Against Women and Children with Disabilities

    On November 24th, 2023, we celebrate the 16th day of activism against violence against women and children with disabilities under the theme" Together! Invest in the community to prevent violence against women and girls, especially women and women with disabilities, in Ermera Municipality.

    CBRNTL works with Oxfam in Timor-Leste to celebrate the 16-day campaign of activism against violence against women and children with disabilities in Ermera Municipality, Ermera Post, and Ermera Village. This activity was attended by the Ermera Municipality SEI, the Ermera Municipality VPU Police, the local authorities and the Suco Council of Poetete, the Ermera Post potential women, the Community of Persons with Disabilities, and LGBTQ+ colleagues.

    The objective of this activity is to contribute to the elimination and prevention of violence against women and children, women with disabilities, and fellow people with diversity, or LGBTI.

    Community-based rehabilitation The Timor-Leste Network (CBRN-TL) will continue the program for the empowerment of women with disabilities to advocate for their rights in the community through joint work and support from Oxfam Timor-Leste for the Women's Action Program.