Haforsa Inkluzaun Ba Ema Ho Defisiensia: CBRN-TL Sosializa Programa Ne’ebe Liga Ba Prevensaun Bazeia Jeneru Hasoru Ema Ho Defisiensia Iha Municipio Ermera.
Haforsa Inkluzaun Ba Ema Ho Defisiensia: CBRN-TL Sosializa Programa Ne’ebe Liga Ba Prevensaun Bazeia Jeneru Hasoru Ema Ho Defisiensia Iha Municipio Ermera.
Ermera, 07 Fevereiro 2024 (CBRN-TL), - Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor-Leste (CBRN-TL), Kuarta semana neé Sosializa Programa CBRN-TL Liga ba Prevensaun Violensia Bazeia ba Jeneru Liu husi Advokasia bazeia ba Evidensia iha Munisipiu Ermera.
Programa neé sei Implementa iha Munisipiu Ermera, Postu Administrativu Ermera, Suku Talimoro, Lauala, Riheu, Humboe, Estado, Raimarihei, Mertuto, Poetete, Ponilala no Legimea.
Iha Atividade Sosializasaun neé Partisipa husi Prezidenti Autoridade Munisipiu Ermera, Xefe do suku Sanulu (10) husi Postu Administrativu Ermera, Reprezentante Oxfam Timor-Leste, Reprezentante Centru Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun Munisipiu Ermera, Reprezentante MoP, NGO Lokal, Media, komunidade Kompostu husi Feto ho defisiensia no Feto la ho defisiensia sira, ho Partisipante ema ho defisiensia Naín 16 no Ema la ho defisiensia Naín 26.
Iha Biban ida neé, Diretora CBRN-TL hateten “Programa neé sei kapasita feto ho defisiensia no Feto la ho defisiensia hodi advoke ba sira nia direitu iha Familia no komunidade, liu husi sira nia servisu hamutuk ho suku no Aldeia hodi reprezenta Feto nia lian iha Komunidade, nuneé Sosiedade labele hare ema ho defisiensia nia Problema Fiziku no Mental maibe oinsa kria oportunidade hodi bele hatene Ema ho defisiensia nia kapasidade no Abelidade no Lideransa”.
Aleinde ida neé Iha Intervensaun husi Centru Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun Munisipiu Ermera hatete “Programa CSSI Munisipiu Ermera, Liu Husi Diresaun Nasional Fasilita Apoiu Subsidiu Ba ema Ho Defisiensia Ho Idade (17) No Mos Fasilita Apoiu Alimentasaun Aihan Ba ema Ho Defisiensia Sira. No Oxfam Timor Leste “iha komitmentu hodi servisu hamutuk no Apoiu CBRN-TL ba haforsa Asuntu Igualdade Jeneru No Inkluzaun Atu hodi bele Elimina Violensia No Deskriminasaun Ne’ebe Akontese Ba Feto No Labarik Feto Sira Liu Liu Ba Ema Ho Defisiensia Sira”.
Tuir Prezidente Autoridade Municipio Ermera, José M. S. Soares, Informa Katak Komitmentu hodi Apoiu ba implementasaun programa CBRN-TL iha Munisipiu Ermera, no Rekomenda ba Instituisaun hotu atu kria Espasu/Fatin neébe mak asesibel ba ema ho defisiensia, No Nia Salenta tan hodi Bolu atensaun ba sosiedade “Hakribi Violensia Domestika iha Familia no Komunidade Tamba Violensia neé Krime, ema hotu iha Dever atu hakribi Violensia liu husi Hasaé sira nia Kuinesementu hodi buka hatene Lei no Politika sira neébe mak asegura Feto, Labarik no ema ho defisiensia nia Direitu no tau iha asaun ba implementasaun”
Partisipante sira Rekuinese “Deskriminasaun Hasoru Ema Ho Defisiensia Eziste Duni Iha Fatin Publiku Inklui Mos Komunidade Sira no sujere atu atividade sira neé bele too iha Suku no Aldeia sira hodi muda ema hotu nia presepsaun konaba situasaun ema ho defisiensia no Involve ema ho defisiensia iha Programa Dezenvolvimentu sira neébe akontese iha Komunidade”
Strengthen Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities:
CBRN-TL socializes the gender-based prevention program against persons with disabilities in Ermera Municipality.
Ermera, 7 February 2024 (CBRN-TL), Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor-Leste (CBRN-TL), This Wednesday, socialize the CBRN-TL Program Liga for the Prevention of Gender Based Violence through evidence-based advocacy in Ermera Municipality.
This program will be implemented in the municipalities of Ermera, Ermera Administrative Posts, Talimoro, Lauala, Riheu, Humboe, Estado, Raimarihei, Mertuto, Poetete, Ponilala, and Legimea.
The socialization activities were attended by the President of the Municipality of Ermera, the Head of the ten 10 sucos of Ermera Administrative Post, the representative of Oxfam Timor-Leste, the representative of the Social Solidarity and Inclusion Centre of Ermera Municipality, the representative of MoP, a local NGO, the media, and the community comprising women with disabilities and women without disabilities, with 16 participants and 26 persons with disabilities.
At this time, the Director of CBRN-TL said that "the program will empower women with disabilities and women with disabilities to advocate for their rights in the family and community through their work with the suco and sub-village to represent women's language in the community, so that society cannot see the physical and mental problems of persons with disabilities but how to create opportunities to know the capacity and.
In addition, the intervention of the Ermera Municipality Social Solidarity and Inclusion Centre stated that "the CSSI Program in Ermera Municipality, through the National Directorate, Facilitates Subsidy Support to Persons with Disabilities with Age (17) and also Facilitates Food Food Support to Persons with Disabilities. And Oxfam Timor-Leste is committed to working together and supporting CBRN-TL to strengthen gender equality and inclusion issues in order to eliminate violence and discrimination that occurs against women and children more than women with disabilities.
According to the President of the Municipality of Ermera, Jose M. S. Soares, the commitment to support the implementation of the CBRN-TL program in Ermera Municipality, and it is recommended that all institutions create space that is accessible to persons with disabilities, and it is further noted to pay attention to the society "Reburning Domestic Violence in the Family and Community because it is a crime, everyone has the duty to detest violence through increasing their knowledge in order to find out the laws and policies that ensure the rights of women, children, and persons with disabilities and put into action the implementation"
The participants recognized that "discrimination against persons with disabilities exists in the public space, including the communities, and suggested that these activities reach the villages to change the perception of all persons with disabilities and involve persons with disabilities in development programs that occur in the community.
Média CBRN-TL | Loron Públika : Sesta, 9-Fevereiru-2024