Média CBRN-TL | Loron Públika : Kinta, 14-Marsu-2024


    Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor-Leste (CBRN-TL) hanesan organizasaun ema ho defisiensia ida iha Timor-Leste Realiza workshop ba komemorasaun Loron Mundial Feto tinan 2024 ho Tema “Inspira Inkluzaun no Konta ho Nia IHA ; Aselera Igualdade Jeneru Liu husi Empoderamentu Ekonomia”. Workshop Ne’e realiza iha Suku Mertuto, Postu Administrativu Ermera Munisipiu Ermera iha Loron Tersa, 12 Marsu 2024.

    Objetivu husi Workshop mak atu bele kria fatin ba dialogu, aprende hamutuk no kolaborasaun diak entre komunidade, Governu no NGO Lokal Nasional liu husi hasa’e konsiensia kona-ba importansia igualidae jeneru no inspira inkluzaun iha munisipiu refere nomos diskute programa no esforsu sira ne’ebé hetan ho susesu atu fó kbiit  ba feto sira liu husi atividade ekonomika hodi atu fasilita kolaborasaun no koordenasaun  entre autoridade sira ne’ebé lidera komunidade no doador atu hametin inisiativa hodi promove igualdade jeneru.

    Diretora CBRN-TL Sra. Norberta Soares hateten “ Atividade ne’e hodi selebra loron Mundial Feto ho komunidade Postu Ermera no suku Mertuto konaba importansia husi Loron Mundial ida ne’e atu asegura no valoriza feto sira nia abilidade no kontribuisaun husi familia too sosiedade ida ne’e, liu husi kria espasu ba dialogu entre komunidade no Governu, NGO Lokal no Nasional sira, hodi fahe sira nia esperensia servisu liga ho Programa no atividade ne’ebe mak isntituisaun sira ne’e halo hodi kontribui ba Igualdade Jeneru no Inkluzaun sosial no rona husi komunidade konaba sira nia asesu ba asistensia servisu sira hanesan Programa dezenvolvimentu sira, sosial, Justisa, Moris diak no Empoderamentu sira”

    Iha fatin hanesan Xefe do Suco Mirtutu Sr Jaime Ricardo Salsinha hato’o “Agradesementu  ba CBRN-TL ne’ebe realiza programa ida ne’e iha Suku refere hodi fahe informasaun importante hirak ne’e ba komunidade sira iha suku Mertuto, no inspira ona ema ho defisiensia no ema la ho defisiensia sira iha komunidade, Xefe suku Rekomenda atu kria Kooperasaun diak ho Autoridade local hodi lori informasaun sira ne’e to’o iha komunidade sira be’ebe hela iha area remotas nune’e bele enkoraja feto ho defisiensia no feto la ho defisiensia nia partisipasaun iha atividade hotu” .

    Iha sesaun ne’e Administrador Postu Ermera hato’o agradese wain ba komunidade sira tanba ho antusizmu hodi  partisipa iha eventu ida ne’e maske kondisaun natureza ladun diak, maibe inan feton sira marka prezensa másimu atu rona informasaun husi liga ho tema ne’ebé mak iha mak “Konta ho Nia” signifika katak inan feton sira presiza envolve aan iha atividade hotu, nune’e ema bele konta ho imi. Hafoin ida ne’e, administrador mos loke abertura ba atividade refere.

    Iha workshop ida ne’e komunidade sira hetan informasaun oi-oin husi Autoridade Lokal, PNTL/VPU, Centru Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun Munisipiu Ermera, AlFeLa, HDI no Aliansa Feto Ermera ho informasaun sira mak hanesan : Xefe do Suku Riheu ne’ebé koalia kona-ba autoridade local intregra asuntu igualidade jeneru no inkluzaun sosial, Centru Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun, ne’e koalia kona-ba servisu unidade violensia bazeia ba jeneru, asistensia sosial ba vitima violensia bazeia ba jeneru no rede referral, PNTL/VPU postu Ermera aprezenta mos kona-ba rede referal no investigasaun ba kazu violensia bazeia ba jeneru. Nomos Pontu Vokal Alfela Paralegal Munisipiu Ermera koalia kona-ba Sistema rede referral Violensia bazeia ba Jeneru. Enkuantu iha sesaun daruak nian aprezentasaun husi orador husi HDI, koalia kona-ba servisu HDI iha prevensaun ba violensia bazeia ba jeneru no papel mane ba prevene violensia bazeia ba jeneru iha komunidade, Ikus liu aprezentasaun husi Asosiasaun Feto Ermera kona-ba programa asosiasaun feto munisipiu ermera iha asuntu igualidade jeneru no inkluzaun sosial liga ho empoderamentu feto iha munisipiu.

    Atividade ne’e partisipa husi Administrador Postu Ermera, Comandante Eskuadra PNTL/VPU Postu Ermera, Centru Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun, NGO Lokal, ALfela, Associasaun feto Ermera, HDI,  Eskola Basico Central Mertuto, Movimentu Feto Hakbit malu, Aliansa Feto Ermera, Autoridade Lokal suku 10 iha Postu Ermera no komunidade sira. Total partisipante hamutuk na’in 249 Feto ho defisiensia 25 Mane ho defisiensia 8 Feto la ho defisiensia 145 Mane la ho defisiensia 71.




    The Community Based Rehabilitation Network Timor-Leste (CBRN-TL) is an organization of persons with disabilities in Timor-Leste that held a workshop for the 2024 World Women's Day. This workshop took place in Mertuto Village, Ermera Administrative Post, Ermera Municipality, on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.

    The objective of the workshop is to create a space for dialogue, joint learning, and good collaboration between the community, government, and the National Local NGO by raising awareness of the importance of gender equality and inspiring inclusion in the municipality, as well as discussing successful programs and efforts to empower women through economic activities to facilitate collaboration and coordination between community leaders and donors to strengthen gender equality initiatives.

    The Director of CBRN-TL Ms. Norberta Soares said that this activity is to celebrate World Women's Day with the community of Ermera Post and Mertuto suco on the importance of this World Day to ensure and value women's skills and contribution from the family to this society, by creating space for dialogue between the community and the Government, local and national NGO, sharing their work experiences in relation to the programmes and activities that the institutions do to contribute to Gender Equality and Social Inclusion and to the community's hearing about their access to services such as development programmes, social, justice, Good Life and Empowerment.

    On the same occasion the Chief of the Village of Mertuto Mr. Jaime Ricardo Salsinha said Thank you to the CBRN-TL for carrying out this programme in the Suco for sharing this important information with the communities in the Suco of Mertuto, and inspired persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities in the community, the Suco Chief recommended that good cooperation be created with the local authorities to bring this information to the communities living in remote areas in order to encourage women with disabilities and women without disabilities to participate in all activities.”

    In this session the Administrator of Ermera Post thanked the community for the enthusiasm to participate in this event, although the condition of the nature is not good, but the women's mothers are very present to listen to the information related to the theme "Accounting with her" which means that the women's mothers need to be involved in all activities, so that people can tell you. After that the administrator also opened the opening of the activity.

    In this workshop the community was informed by the Local Authority, PNTL / VPU, the Ermera Municipality Social Solidarity and Inclusion Centre, AlFeLa, HDI and the Ermera Women's Alliance with the following information: The Head of the Riheu Village, who discussed the local authorities integrated gender equality and social inclusion issues, the Ermera Post Social Solidarity and Inclusion Centre, also discussed the work of the gender-based violence unit, social assistance to victims of gender-based violence and referral networks, the Ermera Post PNTL / VPU also presented the referral network and investigation of cases of gender-based violence. As well as the Alfela Paraundila Municipality of Ermera, the Gender-based Violence Referral Network System is discussed. While in the second session of the presentation by the speaker of the HDI, the work of the HDI in preventing gender-based violence and the male role in preventing gender-based violence in the community was discussed, finally the presentation by the Ermera Women's Association on the Ermera municipality women's association programme on gender equality and social inclusion in relation to women's empowerment in the municipality.

    The activity was attended by the Administrator of Ermera Post, the Commander of the PNTL / VPU Post, the Social Solidarity and Inclusion Centre, the Local NGO, Alfela, the Ermera Women's Association, HDI, the Central Mertuto Basic School, the Hakbit Women's Movement, the Ermera Women's Alliance, the 10 Suco Local Authority in Ermera Post and communities. Total participants are the owner 249 Women with disabilities 25 Men with disabilities 8 Women without disabilities 145 A man without disabilities 71.